This is me in the Moulton Glass workshop - it is a refurbished outbuilding (outside wash-house and loo!) but now offers the space and light needed to make and refurbish a range of products and windows.


What's in a name?


Moulton Glass is not a spelling mistake for 'molten glass' but is named after the village where I operate from -  I do not do carry out hot processes such as fusing or slumping glass.


Firstly a bit about the terminology; what is the difference between leadlight windows, stained glass windows, tiffany and copper foiling?


Well, my definition is that leadlight windows are made from small pieces of glass - often with different colours and textures - held together with 'H' shaped lead bars called lead 'cames' which are soldered together. The cames are filled with a glazing cement that gives the window strength and makes it waterproof.

Leadlight windows are often found in Victorian / Edwardian properties in windows, or above doors as fan-lights (semi circular) or transom-lights (square/rectangular). Leadlights are decorative, strong and have some impact resistance as they have some flexibility, however whilst solid lead and glass can be heavy.


Stained glass windows are effectively leadlight windows, but the glass has been 'stained' or painted with a dye that is then baked in an oven to give a permanents image. This can allow for detailed images to be created, the lead cames can be incorporated in the design to emphasise an outline or border. So it is stained glass windows that can be found in abundance in places of worship.

Stained glass windows are a generic terminology to include lead light windows;  although at Moulton Glass we only make the latter.

Tiffany lampshades are the ones with the unique floral or other stunning designs which incorporate pieces of glass and various sized  blobs of glass (called nuggets or beads). Louis Tiffany perfected the method of joining glass and glass beads/nuggets together by sticking copper foil to the edges and carefully soldering the pieces together.

Copper foiling is the terminology that refers to the light catchers or other decorative product Moulton Glass makes. Copper foiling allows for small detailed shapes to be formed and weighs much less than lead came. Copper foil and the solder can have a patina added to give a copper or black finish.